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FTGZG Mailing List Archives have MOVED!!

From: Jerry Han <jhan@i...>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 21:07:10 -0400
Subject: FTGZG Mailing List Archives have MOVED!!

Hi Everybody!

This is the periodic, unpredictable little advertisement for the
FTGZG Mailing List Archives.

First of all, I've recently taken part in a little geographical
move (well, okay, I changed cities from Toronto to Hamilton), 
which means I had to change providers.	

The FTGZG Archives are now located at:

Thanks to CANOE Canada for letting me take up some web space.

On it, you'll find almost every message sent to the mailing list
since July 1996 until now.  You'll also find some of my personal
things, like Honour Harrington Rules for FT (in rewrite), and 
FT Racing (which we are in the process of finishing, as soon as I 
can find a couple of free hours.)

So, take a look!  There might still be some problems with links and
such; if there are, let me know and I'll fix them right away.


      *** Jerry Han - - ***
	  "Who loves?  What is love?  Standing in the rain,
When your face paint becomes war paint you can never rub it off again" 
	   "40 Miles of Pain", Captain Tractor - TBFTGOGGI

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