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Modern Question

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 23:12:26 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Modern Question

Urm. . . Stupid question, I'm sure, but. . . 

Next Monday, myself and my usual DSII partner are doing some modern 
battles.  No problem-there are plenty of conversions of US and USSR 
stuff on various pages.  Catch is that I'm borrowing his modern stuff, 
and all he's got other than the Russians he's using is some British 
stuff.	I figure for the Challenger I'd just use the same stats as 
M-1A1, not enough different at DSII level of granularity to make a 
difference.  The question I have is with the Brit IFV, Warrior, IIRC.

The stats given for the Bradley on this web page are as follows:
MEDIUM vehicle (class 3), FAST TRACKED AMPHIBIOUS mobility, CFE power, 
Armour 3 (maybe R), 1 x RFAC/1 in Turret with BASIC FireCon, 1 x GMS/L 
with BASIC Guidance, 1 x APSW, Capacity for 2 Infantry Teams
Basic/Effective Signature 3 (D8) POINTS VALUE 130

What difference, if any, would there be in the stats for Warriors?

John M. Atkinson

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