Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)
From: John Leary <realjtl@s...>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 15:32:02 -0700
Subject: Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)
Mark A. Siefert. wrote:
> Try telling that to the people I'm forced to game with. This
is the
> same bunch that produced a 80 MASS Kra'Vak ship entirely armed (all 40
> MASS) with scatterpacks. They would share the opinion of the Mars
> article's author.
> just me and Stuart, who are only reasonable FT gamers in cheeseland
> --
> Later,
> Mark A. Siefert
I would like to help out with the problem, but commuting is hell.
Bye for now
John L.