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Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 09:24:40 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: FT Munchkins (Re: Mars #2 FT article)

You wrote: 

>space."  A concept that they find "too british."  Obviously, all good
>Americans are supposed to play Full Thrust with the ultra-uber
>Dreadnaughts of DOOM! that compose my playgroup's fleets.  I've seen a

Ultra-Uberdreadnaughts of DOOM! are easily dealt with under the old 
rules with swarmships firing MT Missles.  Now I guess the nearest 
equivelant would be swarmships firing SMRs?  Dunno how effective that 
would be.

John M. Atkinson

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