Background List Proposal (Re: Other Forces)
From: Brian Burger <burger00@c...>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 20:29:10 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Background List Proposal (Re: Other Forces)
Count this as one vote _against_ the proposed 'GZG Geopolitics' list - I
count background as vital to any game, including SciFi games. If you
like background/political speculation, learn to use your 'Delete' key.
Tech level/play style and background are so tightly intertwined that
really can't be seperated - and in SciFi gaming, we're inventing the
- so we have to invent the background to justify it. (Traveller's use of
sandcasters instead of Star-Trek style shields is the best example I can
think of, off the top of my head)
I think we'd all be poorer for splitting the list like this.
Brian (