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GZG Chat Information

From: "Stuart Ford" <smford@e...>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1998 10:04:27 -0500
Subject: GZG Chat Information

Dear list members,

We now have a permanent IRC chat room available.

This room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your
chatting pleasure.

Server :
Port : 6667, 7000 or 8000
Room : #GroundZero

I have full administrative rights on the server, so if there is
a full time room you need, let me know and I should be able
to register it for you with little problem.

If you have any questions on accessing this server, please 
let me know.

Regular Chats have been scheduled for Thursday Nights at
10pm EST / 7pm PST / 3am GMT

and Every Second Saturday starting 8/15/98 at
11am EST / 8am PST / 4pm GMT

Stuart Ford

Prev: West Coast Full Thrust/DirtSide/B5 Con (USA) Next: RE: UN Ship Nomenclature