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RE: UN Ship Nomenclature

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 23:34:15 -0500
Subject: RE: UN Ship Nomenclature

Noah spake thusly upon matters weighty: 

> Kinda makes you feel sorry for the poor buggers, doesn't it?	And we
> speak the same language, pretty much.

Speaking of Sorry For The Poor Buggers....

....I didn't catch the full piece in the news but I understand the US 
Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya has been bombed this week by a splinter 
muslim group never before heard of. I guess there are quite a few 
dead. I don't know if any serving soldiers were amongst the losses, 
but in any case I'm sure some civilians were killed. 

Some people call such attacks 'freedom fighting' or 'resistance' with 
the weapons available. I guess I have the luxury of living in 
Canada, being free from oppression, and the military I trained 
with wasn't trained that way. To me, this seems to be a reprehensible 
act of terrorism against civilians. 

I think in our disussions of the UN in 2185 we have to keep in mind 
all the impediments there will be to the UN (Way nastier terrorists, 
way more factions due to fragmentation and outworld colonies) and 
other diplomats. Scenes like this will arise scenarios like rescuing 
an overrun embassy, protecting rescue workers, capturing thosre 
responsible, etc. Which, although not classic nation A vs. nation B. 
stuff could make great SG2 material. 

It's a pity that real life can't be fought with little lead dudes. 
They don't bleed and as referess and players we can shape the world 
to avoid the horrors that the real world is plagued with.....


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