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Re: Full Thrust Sensor Ideas

From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 23:20:28 -0500
Subject: Re: Full Thrust Sensor Ideas

laserlight spake thusly upon matters weighty: 
> 3.  Stealth capability is included in standard ship's package;
Enhanced or
> Superior Stealth will cost perhaps as Streamlining and will reduce
> signature to 50% and 25% respectively (imagine his look when his
> finally get a good read on what he thought was a Mass 50 escort and
> realizes it's a Mass 200 SDN).  Stealth Fighters, Stealth Mines and
> Missiles will also need to be considered.  Absolutely no Stealth

One point to consider. I consider stealth being the ability to not be 
seen. Although what you say is a big plus from a perspective of 
tactics (is that a scout or DN) it lacks a lot from a point of view 
of strategy (in either case, they know their is something out there 
and the bubble might be about to go up). I think if you establish a 
range for Sensors (the factor below being multiplied by whatever one 
thinks a good sensor range is)

Primitive		0.5			
Basic		0.75
Regular 	1.00
Enhanced	1.25
Superior		1.50
Advanced		2.0 (alien tech?)	

Then stealth could be considered a multiplier on this.

No Stealth (Civilians, Old Tech)	1.00
Basic Stealth (Low End Military, Old Hi Tech Military)	0.9
Regular Stealth (Normal Military)     0.75
Enhanced Stealth (Hi End Military)  0.50
Superior Stealth				0.25
Advanced Stealth (Alien Tech)		0.10

For example, the UN Military Scout (fresh off the line) with Superior 
Sensors (modifier 1.50) searching for the lost Planetary Defense 
Vessel (Basic Stealth, powered down due to equipment failure, 1.9 
range modifier) would at 1.35 * the distance the same Scout would 
detect a ship with Superior Stealth. 

A Normal Destroyer with Regular Sensors, hunting for a Cruiser hiding 
under Enhanced Stealth would detect it at 1.0 * 0.5 = 0.5 times 
normal detection range. This might just be too close for the 
faster destroyer to escape the cruisers guns and missiles, and it 
might be inside the jamming envelope!

As a last example, the UN Scout searching for the Evil and 
Cunning Sa'vas'ku Stealth Scout (with an Advanced Stealth package, a 
0.5 modifier) would only pick up the ship at 1.5 * 0.1 = 0.15 times 
the normal detection range. Whereas the Normal Military Scout with 
Enhanced Sensors would only pick it up at 1.25 * 0.1 = 0.125 times 
the normal detection range. 

Just an idea. It has some math involved, but the basic idea of 
establishing a concept of detection ranges (maybe like in SFB you 
gain different info at different ranges) then modifying these ranges 
for sensor and stealth quality would give the best feel. A sensor net 
that should catch an uncloaked battleship will probably let cloaked 
scouts slip through.....


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