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RE: UN Ship Nomenclature

From: Noah Doyle <nvdoyle@m...>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 1998 20:28:24 -0500
Subject: RE: UN Ship Nomenclature

Good ideas - I need an atlas with better goegraphy, and less political 
notation.  I'm probably going to stay away from cities and towns, and
with natural features.	Sort of a 'Neutrality' policy by the UN.  I'm 
seriously thinking about adding Sec-Gens, people killed in the line of 
duty, missions, etc.  I just didn't want to have to make up most of this

stuff, what with only 50 years of UN history to draw upon.  I'll
end up sticking with natural features, but if I were doing missions, the

first would probably be the UNSCS Korea...


-----Original Message-----
From:	Thomas Barclay []
Sent:	Friday, August 07, 1998 05:11 PM
Subject:	Re: UN Ship Nomenclature

> >SDN: Continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, North &

> >America)
> >CVA: Oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, Indian)
> >CVL: Seas (Weddell, Caspian, Black, etc)
> >BDN: Major Rivers (Amazon, Mississippi, Danube, Volga, Congo)
> >BB: Mountain Ranges (Ural, Rocky, Grampian, Great Dividing)
> >BC: Mountains (Everest, Ranier, Matterhorn)
> >CA: Lakes
> >CE: Bays
> >CL:
> >DD:
> >FF:
> >CR:
> >SS: Islands

How about Deserts? Mojave, Saharrah, etc.
How about Cities? New York, Hong Kong, Kyoto, Melbourne, etc.
How about Towns? Boise, Kingston, Berwick, Alice Springs, etc.
How about Volcanos? St. Helen's, Krakatoa, Vesuvius, etc.
How about off-planet holdings? Mars, Luna, Albion, etc.
How about Forests? Walden, Temagami, Sherwood, etc.
How about Glaciers? Columbia, etc. (I'm short on names, but there are
a bunch)
How about Cataracts and Waterfalls? Zambesi, Niagra, etc.

Those are just some other ideas.
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
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