Re: Very Off Topic (Re Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we!)
From: Rob Paul <rpaul@w...>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 1998 23:09:42 +0000
Subject: Re: Very Off Topic (Re Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we!)
At 10:58 30/07/98 +1000, you wrote:
>Fraggle Rock also made it to Australia (another grand show) - except it
>went to the commercial channels and so got bounced around a bit more
>the dependable wombles (which were on our national broadcaster).
>In my opinion, definitely a damn side better than the current run of
>"Green" cartoons based on this Captain Planet joker!
>Something based on Fraggle Rock may prove more difficult as you'd have
>stop the Fraggles eating the ships as fast as the Doozers made them!
>OK this has got far too silly :)
What about the glorious Clangers?!
Did they make it round the world too? (Aside- a friend of mine had a
Clanger, knitted by her mum, nicked from this very lab last year. A
shocking act of criminality.)
At some near future point I'll reshare my ideas on the "truth" about
Clangers with the list... you have been warned!
"Rob Paul
Dept of Zoology
Oxford University
South Parks Road
(01865) 271124
"Auld an' bald!"