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RE: Simple is good

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 1998 12:01:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Simple is good

You wrote: 

>Heh! I'm sure we're all in agreeance that rules should be the 
>province of lawyers, and gaming the province of gamers. I'd guess 
>that we'd mostly all 'rule as needed' where the rules don't fit. Most 
>of us might try to get what we think of as the right flavour. I like 

>and painful arguments between those so inclined (I'd rather just 
>clear the room with a cannister of CS myself). The only difference 

I simply play with adults who can have a reasoned discussion for a few 
minutes, then agree on which modification or houserule most closely 
resembles what we'd expect from our experiences and reading.  Then we 
get on with the game.  I refuse to game with disagreeable people.  My 
feeling is that I deal with assholes at work, why should I do so in my 
free time?  That's why I no longer play WWII games.  If it's not fun 
for all involved, screw it.  And arguing over rules vis playing the 
game isn't fun for me.

John M. Atkinson

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