Re: NSL Ships
From: mehawk@t... (Michael Sandy)
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 09:32:36 -0800
Subject: Re: NSL Ships
> I was just after some opinions on this type of variant for the
> class Destroyer (FTFB)
> Armament: 1 x Class 1 Battery
> 1 x Pulse Torpedo Tube ( 3 arc)
> 1 Fire-control system
Gee, I don't know what the point of having a ship that can _never_
fire its whole armament. Or did they change the rule about
Beam Weapons and Pulse Torpedos requiring separate FireCons, even
when targetting the same ship?
I'd scrap the PDAF and the Class 1 Battery, pump up the Thrust rating,
and run the Waldburgs in squadron with an ADAF equipped ship with lots
of class-1s and/or PDAFs.
Michael Sandy