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Re: Need Physics Help!

From: Mikko Kurki-Suonio <maxxon@s...>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 12:15:30 +0300 (EEST)
Subject: Re: Need Physics Help!

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998, Richard Slattery wrote:

> Taking the 15 minute turn/1,000km per move unit scale, full thrust 
> ships have a puny thrust of a 1/4g to 1/8g per thrust point, so 
> gravity really sucks. <yes! I worked that pun in at last>

I can't agree. I did my campaign with 1 thrust = 1/4g (knowing that MU
turn length don't matter) and gravity is a minor irritation at best.

Consider that gravity is inversely related to the square of distance.
Actually ON earth, it's 1g. But few spaceships fight on the ground.

About 6500km out, it's only 1/4g
About 20000km out, it's 1/16g (0.25 thrust)

Geostationary orbit is, IIRC, about 30000km out.  

Moon, as we all know, is about 300 000km out, which on the solar system
scale is still an insignificant distance.

So, gravity is only a factor if you *choose* to fight *very* close to a
planetary body, amidst all the orbiting satellite junk (including weapon

If you were moving at constant acceleration of say, 0.5g from Mars to
Venus and happened to pass within 50 000km of Earth, the impact on your
final course is close to a rounding error.

-- (Mikko Kurki-Suonio) 	   | A pig who doesn't
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