Re: Lazy Man's Cammo
From: "Robert A. Crawford" <crawford@i...>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 12:01:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Lazy Man's Cammo
Some of the best camo I've painted was done by painting
the entire figure a very dark green (I think an olive that was
almost black), then loading a brush with a little more paint
than you would use for dry brushing and "pecking" the paint
on. "Peck" on three different colors (a brown, a tan, and a green,
for example), and the result is a pattern that's really
striking up close, but that fades to a muddy brown at a distance.
The paint that gets "pecked" on doesn't go down into the
details, so the dark undercoat shows through and brings out the