RE: Lazy Man's Cammo
From: "Tim Jones" <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Thu, 9 Jul 1998 15:46:14 +0100
Subject: RE: Lazy Man's Cammo
> Just some thoughts, of dubious worth. What do you guys think?
> Workable, or am I merely dreaming?
I don't think it will work as the decals won't deform enough to cover
large areas or any surface detail. They are just going to look lumpy and
peel and crack. You can only apply a large decal to a totally smooth
surface with a reasonable curvature. Like the old Star Trek Bird of prey
in the three ship set, the bottom of the ship was baby bottom smooth to
apply the BOP decal and even then it was a total pig to get right.
I'd buy an airbrush like a Badger 150 that can go to a fine point and
spray the cammo patterns through frisk film or by hand. You could print
basic shapes onto the frisk film with the printer to use as a guide to
out. The problem with masks is that you have to get them close to the
surface to
stop bleed and this requires some patience and practice on paper first.
doing it by hand and using a simple edge mask gives OK results.
Now what you really want is the sort of electrostatic spray gun they use
do the painting on micro-machines. Sort of a 3D ink jet.
tim jones