GZG airdrop minis (was:Re: OT: Light Armor for Airborne)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 09:04:53 +0100
Subject: GZG airdrop minis (was:Re: OT: Light Armor for Airborne)
Los wrote:
>That being said, is there a light armored vehicle in the GZG range that
>fits the bill of either air drop or light drop ship landing?
Yes. Specifically, the M38 LIPPC (Light Interface-Portable Personnel
Carrier) and its fire-support variant, the M44 Coonhound - model codes
(25mm) SF25-57 and 67, and (6mm) DSM 117 and 119, respectively. Either
vehicle is designed to be carried in the SF25-56/DSM 118 Dropship or any
similar mini of your choosing.
Also in 25mm the SF25-42 M37 6-wheel light APC (no 6mm equivalent yet)
small enough to be considered air/interface droppable.
Jon (GZG)