Re: EFSB & RE: Babylon 5
From: Scott Jaqua <jaqua@c...>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 1998 16:19:51 -0700
Subject: Re: EFSB & RE: Babylon 5
Mark A. Siefert. wrote:
> No... Since EFSB rules are based on FT. Since FT is one of
the topics
> covered on this list, I see no problem with discussing them. In fact,
> I'd like to see more EFSB discusion on the list.
Can I secound that point? I would like to have a lot better
understanding of the
game and the ships myself. Don't get me wrong I also like FT (point of
fact, I'm
running an intro to FT game at an up comming con). But mass media has
given me a
thirst for sci fi francises it has stuck in my face (however, calling B5
media" could be taken as an insult to JMS).
B5 has brought more space combat to the screen (Big or Small) then any
francise. At the above mentioned con, I'm also running a EFSB game. I
expect it to
draw a large number of players. To handle the number of players I'm
planning on
running an Earth Force civil war battle and a battle of the
Narn/Centauri war. I
could use some ideas for a matched force on both sides of the secound
conflict (EF
is easy to balance). I hope to have two or three players on a side.
Scott Jaqua