Re: A bit OT - Strine (was B5)
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 10:45:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: A bit OT - Strine (was B5)
You wrote:
>Septic Reffo - an immigrant to Australia from the USA. Oz is unique in
>that there's about as many USAians coming here permanently as Aussies
>leaving for the US.
This is what we call "Balance of Trade", right?
>Wanker - practioner of (usually intellectual) self-abuse, similar. As
in >"I saw a telecast of the US Senate yesterday. What a bunch of
Useful--I may have to adopt. "Saw Jesse Helms on C-SPAN yesterday.
What a Wanker!".
>Bloody - Sometimes used as an afirmation, more often just a space
>between words.
Do ya'll compound with Fuckin'?
>Coon - Australia's Favourite Cheese. Really.
Not going there any time soon.
>Rubber - an eraser, something for rubbing out pencil marks.
Hence leading to confusion when an Aussie mentions a small child eating
a "Strawberry-flavored rubber" which causes an American to immediately
call Child Protective Services and an Aussie to say "Silly Bugger." :)
John M. Atkinson