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RE: Full Thrust 3 rules

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 16:39:06 +0100
Subject: RE: Full Thrust 3 rules

On Tuesday, June 23, 1998 2:57 PM, Glover, Owen
> Well, it states pretty plainly in the rules that the SML missiles have
> to target the NEAREST enemy ship. Hence the shield like formation one
> can form with your midge/scouts. They take all teh damage from the
> missiles leaving your cruisers/capitals healthy.

Which is what an escort screen is for, surely. Taking the exocets and
harpoons on the chin. A house rule would be to be able to set a MASS
threshold on the SLM so that it attacked the nearest ship of the given
or greater. Modern naval missiles can be target against specific blips
on the radar screen. Should be easy in the 22nd century.

tim jones

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