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Re: Communication and Travel

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 23:55:32 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel

You wrote: 

>The 'probably' is rather important.

It's a non-issue.  Tanks are fun and easy to kill.  Mines, satchel 
charges, shoulder-fired rockets.  

>True, my example was extreme. Chechen versus Russians is minor power 
>using much the same technology as Russians (a second line 
>'technological war machine'), with the Russians not commiting front 
>line troops (In fact, I think they were raw conscripts mainly) due to 
>political machinations back 'home'.

Notes: First, Chechens had mainly the contents of local reserve unit 
armories, and then could not operate the heavier weapons they found.  
Second, entire Russian Army is "Raw Conscripts".  I know at least one 
division of armor was Guards Tank division, and they also committed 
Guards Parachute division(s?).	Of course, that's a comment more on 
sad, sad shape of current Ruskie army than on military prowess of 

>Americans versus Vietnamese, I think you will find the american 
>military complaining that their political policies lost them the war. 
>Although, I'll readily admit it still would have been difficult 
>without that.

*Snx*  Name a single encounter where the Vietnamese didn't come away 
worse for the experience.  Tactically, we had them beat cold.  

John M. Atkinson

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