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Re: Communication and Travel

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 22:39:05 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Communication and Travel

You wrote: 

>I disagree. Israel is a technologically advanced state supported by an
>extra-structure of advanced states in close proximity. A FT colony, 

Excuse?  Israel has states supporting via economic aid and military 
sales, all of which are quite possible in FT universe.	And only once 
has needed rapid replenishment--and that's because it has neighbors 
with hostile intentions and lots of tanks a few feet away.  Not the 
case with your average extra-solar colony.

>is most liklely at least a week's transit from any support, would be
>reliant on lower technology, and wouldn't have nearly the work-force
>surplus available for a standing military.

Minor note:  Israel has, in the past 60 years, created it's population 
from almost scratch, it's economy from less than that, and heavy 
industry from nothing.	I submit that given a half-century of growth a 
nation will have the capability to hold it's own.  Especially if it 
doesn't have to deal with a lot of genocidal neighbors invading once a 


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