Re: What makes a Carrier? (ftfb)
From: "Richard Slattery" <richard@m...>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 22:52:32 +0000
Subject: Re: What makes a Carrier? (ftfb)
> Mikko Kurki-Suonio wrote:
> > OTOH, wet navy ships are so slow compared to aircraft that the
> carrier's
> > movement doesn't really matter (except for wind speed over deck). A
> space
> > carrier's velocity vector may make it impractical to launch in some
> > directions.
> Not really... not as long as you don't allow the carrier to maneuver
> on the turn of launch, to give the fighters time enough to clear the
> ship so they aren't overrun by it :-/
> OK, I wouldn't launch my fighters directly behind the carrier (into
> my engine exhausts), but apart from that ;-)
It seems to me, that fighters are a LOT more manueverable in FT that
the carrier they are launching from, and as long as the carrier
isn't manuevering VIOLENTLY (and since carriers generally have 2
thrust it's unlikely) and that over a (perhaps)15 minute turn 6
fighters launching would take.... hmmm, a minute at most (assuming
they all aren't going out the same door or up the same tube) there
is no need for this 'no manuevering during launch' restriction. The
carrier isn't going to overrun you, since you leave with the same
vector and velocity that it had, plus your boost off the ship.
Richard Slattery
I love acting. It is so much more real than life.
Oscar Wilde