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BDS? was Re: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)

From: "Kevin Shope" <kevin@s...>
Date: Thu, 28 May 1998 09:43:47 -0700
Subject: BDS? was Re: Sa'vasku - ground forces (look & feel)

>We'll just have to wait for the OFFICIAL rules in BDS and its DS2
>or use the bio-weapon suggestions already posted (see archives).

Man, all this "Bug" talk is getting me itchy for BDS... I think we have
asked this a few times, but I don't think it has been answered... so
goes again.

When will "Bugs Don't Surf" be released?

I realize that this is a difficult question to answer with any amount of
accuracy, so any info at all would be greatly appreciated.


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