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Re: Force Morale

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 22:15:29 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Force Morale

You wrote: 
>An idea for force morale:

Good starting point!

>Force morale tests should be made when 
>- the first unit is routed or destroyed

Depends on unit wiped out.  Routed, always.  But if you loose a pair of 
your scouts, it should be less severe than if you just had a platoon of 
MBTs ripped apart by DFFG fire.

>- First contact with an alien force or units that cause terror

Only if they don't expect it, obviously. . . 

>- Force history (a tight knit unit that works together and/or
>has a string of victories will probably have higher force morale
>than a force that is newly assembled or has taken a series
>of defeats)

Also include Esprit d' corps.  A historically elite force with a 
tradition of never saying die (Surrender is not a Ranger word) will 
have a higher elan than regular line troops.

Also have a negative modifier for units leaving behind dead/wounded, if 
such units have strong tradition of not doing so (Israeli, US come to 
mind.  Israelis launch major military operations to recover the remains 
of a single soldier.)

>If a Force Morale check is failed, and Force command exists, force 
>must begin to withdraw. If a Morale check is badly failed, and force 
>command exists, force must retreat rapidly or surrender units which 
>cannot retreat. If a Morale check is failed and Force command DNE, 
>then each unit must roll vs quality or withdraw or surrender 
>(depending on situation). Ones that succeed may (at the controlling 
>players option) withdraw or continue to follow their last known 

Some forces may, instead, launch suicidal attacks, driving straight up 
the middle of the board in clear terrain firing almost randomly.  This 
is especially apropriate for Japanese (Player _must_ scream BANZAI when 
he fails the morale check) and certain religious fanatics.  :)	Other 
forces will not surrender facing certain opponents (Israelis aren't 
going to surrender to Muslims unless unconcious. . . )

John M. Atkinson

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