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RE: Low Tech Scenarios

From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 15:33:15 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Low Tech Scenarios

You wrote: 

>You may wish to reconsider this; the British Martini Henry fired a 
large >caliber, low velocity round that inflicted horrendous wounds. 
The soft >lead projectile deforms immediately on impact and due to the 
large >projectile weight will impart a very large amount of energy to 
the >wound. A lot of heavy caliber black powder weapons are like this.

First, Impact die roll represents, among other things, armor 
penetration.  No low-velocity lead slug is going to penetrate plastic 
composite body armor.  Not gonna happen.  

>Lo-tech is relative but should not be equated to Low Effectiveness; 
The >rules give a Lo-Tech assault rifle a FP of 2 and Impact of d8. 
This >reperesents the M16/AK47 of the 70/80/90s. Not too difficult to 
believe >that the Impact of the Martini Henry could be a d10. It is the 
FP rating >of 1 I might contest. ROF of how many rounds a minute? 
Difficulty in >reloading kneeling or lying?

Note that a hunting rifle of the 22nd Century has a d10.  That 
represents, if my experience with modern hunters is _any_ guide, at 
least a .30 caliber rifle with a sizable load behind it.  Of modern 
powder.  You put black powder in there, and I have to argue for the d8. 
 FP of .5, IMHO.  2 is semi-auto/burst fire/auto.  1 is bolt-action.  
Breachloading single-shot should be .5, and a muzzle-loader .25.


John M. Atkinson

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