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Kra'vak was Re: Low Tech Scenarios

From: Niall Gilsenan <ngilsena@i...>
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:01:49 +0200
Subject: Kra'vak was Re: Low Tech Scenarios

Pardon me for taking this in a different tangent, but one thing I
is what are Kra'vak ground forces like?

Are they considerably higher tech than the equvalent human forces?  As
would the humans be considered low tech in comparision?

I know Bugs don't surf will probablly sort this out, but as of the
I'd like to know what everyones opinions and ideas for playing Kra'vak
ground forces has been.
Niall Gilsenan,
DIT, Cathal Brugha St,
Dublin 1,

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