Re: bayonettes are too a useful device
From: tom411@j... (Thomas E Hughes)
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 22:30:37 -0500
Subject: Re: bayonettes are too a useful device
On Tue, 12 May 1998 05:59:57 -0500 (CDT) (John
Atkinson) writes:
The only way you could scenario this, is to have the troops on one side
and the GM on the other. Wait a minute, do it this way>>> each of the
squads has one player(keeping score individually) and they all play
against the GM. The person with the best score wins!
OK it's a dumb idea, but the scenario isn't any better.
Tom Hughes
>On the other hand. . . Civillians might come in handy for some
>Stargrunt scenarios. Patrol walks on one side of the board, into
>villiage, and begins searching for arms and supplies. Most of the
>civillian figures just wander around the board aimlessly and/or try to
>get out of the troop's way, but a few draw weapons and take aim. . .
>Once a shot is fired all legitemate civillians begin rushing out of
>villiage by shortest route, even if that accidentally takes them in
>line of fire. Government troops gain three points per guerilla
>10 points per arms or food cache located, loose four per soldier
>killed, 1 per guerilla who escapes off-board after firing at the
>troops, and 1 per civillian killed or injured. Guerillas may not
>target civillians deliberately. Throw in booby traps, experience
>to realize certain civillians 'don't look right', and other nasty
>tricks. Note also that kids tend to flock around troops that don't
>have a reputation for brutality (see: US Army in Europe during WWII)
>and if one of them happens to have grenade. . . And don't forget that
>baby carriages make a good place to hide weapons, with or without baby
>included. Of course anyone who'd actually use this scenario idea is
>sick, but that doesn't exclude many wargamers I know. Just don't give
>me credit when your rampaging troops flatten the entire villiage.
>Should be a reaction roll(s) to see if your troops get a little out of
>hand and flatten anything that moves (and civillians who've watched
>many movies have no tactical sense--they run when a sane man hugs the
>John M. Atkinson
Relax John, the stuff we do is all a game! The real nut cases don't play
with soldiers, they join militias and pretend to be soldiers (you aren't
a militia man John are you?)
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