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Re: Full Steam

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 10:31:17 +0000
Subject: Re: Full Steam

>I'm not saying that the idea doesn't have merit, nor am I saying that
>wouldn't be fun, however...
>Victorian sci-fi (such as GDW's Space 1889) has a much smaller market
>the general sci-fi market to which FT currently caters. FT has the
>advantage that it can also be easily adapted to almost any background
>spaceships, and thus can "cash in" on the mass popularity of Satr Wars,
>Star Trek, or B5 by simply having a conversion sheet available at - say
>your friendly local website.
>Space 1889 floundered do to poor sales (though it might be argued that
>support issues were involved as well) because the market was too small.
>By all means, make Full Steam available as all the other current
>conversions have been - via the web. I would strongly advise against
>printing it.
>I'm not trying to criticise anyone here; I just wanted to point out the
>economic realities of such a venture.

That is why I'm talking about a little low-budget A5 rulebook - the sort
thing where we can economically print just a few hundred copies for the
of it!

Jon (GZG)
>(ex-Sales Manager, Berkeley Game Distributors)

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