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Re: A Humble Request

From: Tomas Syrstad Ruud <tomasr@i...>
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 16:24:37 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: A Humble Request

On Wed, 6 May 1998, NVDoyle wrote:

> My late-night curiosity has gotten the better of me:
> Could everyone, including all you lurkers, post where you are?  I'm
> curious to see what kind of distribution we have here.  It seems to be
a lot
> of Brits & Ex-Colonists, but I could be wrong.  Country, Province &
City would
> be nice, or just Country if you don't want to give too much away...
> Noah V. Doyle

Hello everybody.

I'm a lurker, but I think maybe I will post something once I have
something sensible to say. (Or maybe before...) 
I live in Oslo, Norway.

Tomas Ruud

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