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Byzantines in space..was Re: X to GZG conversions...

From: Tony Wilkinson <twilko@o...>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 22:31:14 +0100
Subject: Byzantines in space..was Re: X to GZG conversions...

John, your'e gonna hate me for this,
	What I was thinking was that all the Heavy armour would be
Anything left over that had armoured vehciles would then be
For the Trapezitoi I had in mind VTOL units that scout ahead of and
the main force. 
	So far so good. For the infantry I think Peltastoi is still
valid but that
it would refer to the line infantry and Skutatoi would then be any
Armour units. The Peltastoi could then be just Peltastoi on foot, or
Peltastoi Kataphractos if in APCs (Mechanized Infantry). Pisloi would
definantely be mobile artillery, Pisloi Kataphractos being armoured SP
	That leaves the Akritoi. I'll have another think.
	Anyway do send your background when your done now that I've
ruined it :) 
	For those who hate history you really are missing out on some
background material here. 

	(he who has mucked up my ideas)

At 21:27 29/04/98 -0500, you wrote:
>You wrote: 
>>	If their based on the 10th Century then it should be 
>Klibanophoros >with any vechile unit being Cataphractoi.
>Yeah, yeah.  My background isn't complete yet.  When it is, I will be 
>more than happy to put together an e-mail and pass it around via 
>>	What no Trapezitoi, Akritoi, Skutatoi, Peltastoi or Pisloi?
>Trapezitoi would be what we call the scout batallions.  Skutatoi would 
>make a nice term for heavy mechanized infantry.  Peltastoi would, IMHO,

>be a bit anachronistic, regardless of What'shername (Alexai's niece)'s 
>opinion.  Psiloi--God knows.
>>	The Varangians should definately be from the Scandinavian 
>> (And commanded be a big red headed bloke called Harald)
>You win!  Scandanavians it is!
>John M. Atkinson

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