RE: Dirtside Engineering Rules
From: jatkins6@i... (John Atkinson)
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 07:59:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Dirtside Engineering Rules
You wrote:
>On Tuesday, April 28, 1998 7:24 PM, John Atkinson
[] wrote:
>For the combat engineeringly challenged, what is a Breach and
>an Abatis? It would help to provide a picture or a simple description
>of the non obvious features.
Breach is defined as a gap in an obstacle through which the maneuver
elements can assault. Maneuver elements is basically infantry/armor.
Abatis is a series of herring-bone pattern trees partially felled
across a roadway. I say partially because if you've done it right, the
tree is still attached to the stump, making it much more difficult to
push out of the way. Then it may be filled with dirt, have mines or
booby traps emplaced, etc.
John M. Atkinon