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From: Kueck H <KueckH@a...>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 19:09:22 EDT

Hi everyone !!!

As there are some who can read ´´Umlaute´´ (i.e. those special
letters) and some who can't (fifty-fifty up to now), I've done two
of the thing.

The difference is, that there is an alternative writing for the
that came into use some decades ago, when there were no
keyboards and printers (but it doesn't look good and it's not the
´´official´´ writing).

So if ´´Jäger´´ reads ´´Jager´´ with two dots above the
´´a´´ to you,
then read just: ´´Jägerkompanie (TOE)´´

...but if it reads ´´J=e4ger´´ or ´´Jdger´´or something then
´´Jaegerkompanie (TOE)´´

Tschüß (Tschuess) !!!

P.S.: If it still doesn't work for you, I have it as a MS Word 97 file
(which ´´should´´ work), which I'll send to you if you E-mail me.

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