Next: Jaegerkompanie (TOE)


From: Kueck H <KueckH@a...>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 19:09:44 EDT
Subject: 썊枤牥潫灭湡敩⠠佔⥅

Bundeswehr Panzergrenadierkompanie (MTW)

1.)To start with, I'll give a short  overview on the ´´numbering´´
of German
army (Heer) units. As an example I'm using the unit in which I served
(i.e. around 1988).

Panzer- and Panzergrenadierdivisionen are numbered continuously
starting with the 1. Panzerdivision (PzDiv.) followed by the 2.
E.g.: 3. Panzerdivision

The Panzer- and Panzergrenadierbrigaden are numbered continuously
according to the parent division with the first, second and third
belonging to the 1.PzDiv and the fourth, fifth and sixth belonging to
2.PzGrenDiv and so on.
E.g.: 7. Panzergrenadierbrigade (7. PzGrenBrig.)

The Bataillone start with the number of their Brigade and add their own.
The first three battalions are of the same type as the parent brigade,
the fourth is of the other and the fifth is Artillerie. Independent
(i.e.: Panzerjäger and Pioniere) just add a ´´0´´ (like:
 E.g.: Panzergrenadierbataillon 73 (PzGrenBtl. 73)

2.) Now to the Organisation of the PzGrenBtl. in 1988,
regarding the Kompanien:
-1. Kompanie = Stabs- und Versorgungskompanie (staff & supply)
-2. & 3. Kompanie = Panzergrenadierkompanie (Marder)
-4. Kompanie = Panzergrenadierkompanie (MTW)
-5. Kompanie = Mörserkompanie (M113 Mortars)
E.g.: 4. Kompanie / Panzergrenadierbataillon 73 (4./PzGrenBtl.73 or

3.) The Panzergrenadierkompanie (MTW)
(MTW= Manschaftstransportwagen = personnel carrier = M113)
In contrast to the 2. & 3. Companies of the battalion, the 4. (MTW)
is not trained or equipped to fight from their vehicles (no one in his
sane mind would want to be in a M113 APC, when somebody starts
shooting with anything from 7,62mm and up), but uses them just for
transport, to keep up with the battalion. The company is instead
trained as a Jäger unit i. e.: It is specially trained and equipped for
fighting in urban and wooded areas, to establish bridgeheads over rivers
(Brückenköpfe), for airmobile operations and simply ´´to boldly go
no Marder has gone before´´. Therefore the dismounted manpower is
higher (over 100 men at full strength) compared to the Marder
(= Schützenpanzer / AIFV) companies (under 70 men) and the unit is,
apart from the Marders, heavier equipped.

4.) Organisation of the Panzergrenadierkompanie (MTW)
(...I simply call it Jägerkompanie from here on):
The Jägerkompanie consists of	three platoons (Züge / Zg.) and one HQ
(Kompanieführungsgruppe / KpFü.). Each Zug consists of two
squads / sections (Gruppen / Grp.) and one HQ (Zugtrupp / ZgTrp.).
Every squad and HQ has its own MTW.

-The Kompanieführungsgruppe (company HQ) consists of:
	-Kompaniechef (company commander)
	-Kompanietruppführer (NCO, who assists the KpChef in planning /
	-Funkunteroffizier (radio NCO)
	-And some Manschaftsdienstgrade ( about 4-6 enlisted men: radio
& staff)

      -Kompaniefeldwebel with his personnel (office and supply)

-The Zugtrupp (platoon HQ) consists of:
       -Zugführer (ZgFhr / platoon commander)
       -Stellvertretender Zugführer (StvZgFhr / deputy platoon
       -Funker (radioman)
       -Milanschütze 1 (ATGM-gunner)
       -Milanschütze 2 (carrying add. missiles)
       -2x Scharfschützen (sniper)
      (-Panzerfaustschütze )
       -3x to 5x Gewehrschützen (riflemen)

-The (PzGren- / Jäger-) Gruppe (rifesquad) consists of:
	-Gruppenführer (GrpFhr / squadleader)
	-Maschinengewehr-Schütze (MG-gunner)
      -Milanschütze 1 (ATGM-gunner)
      -Milanschütze 2 (carrying add. missiles)
      -2x Scharfschützen (sniper)
      -Panzerfaustschütze (AT-gunner)
      -4x to 6x Gewehrschützen (riflemen)

At full strength there would be 12 men per Trupp / Gruppe, but ten is
the more likely number.
One of the riflemen in every Trupp / Gruppe is the driver, who would
normally stay with the vehicle.
Every soldier apart from officers, senior NCOs, drivers and MG-gunners
is equipped with the G3 Assault Rifle (and the officers / NCOs would
most likely take them too, to be less conspicuous), the others are
equipped with Uzis resp. MG3.
Der Zugführer 1. Zug  is at the same time the deputy company commander
(Stellvertretender Kompaniechef) and therefore an officer.
There are also two Schwere Feldlafetten (heavy groundmounts) for the
MGs per platoon.

4.) Military ranks (from lower to higher):
Mannschaftsdienstgrade (enlisted men): Panzergrenadier (Jäger),
Obergefreiter, Hauptgefreiter.
Unteroffiziersdienstgrade (NCOs):
	Unteroffiziere (junior NCOs): Unteroffizier, Stabsunteroffizier.
	Feldwebel (senior NCOs): Feldwebel, Oberfeldwebel,
Offiziere: Leutnant (2nd Lt), Oberleutnant (1st Lt), Hauptmann (captain)

5.) Who's who ??
Kompaniechef: Hauptmann / Oberleutnant
Stellvertretender Kompaniechef (& Zugführer 1. Zug): Oberleutnant /
Zugführer (2. & 3. Zug): Hauptfeldwebel / Oberfeldwebel
Stellvertretender Zugführer: Oberfeldwebel / Feldwebel ( /
Kompanietruppführer: Oberfeldwebel / Feldwebel
Gruppenführer: Stabsunteroffizier / Unteroffizier

6.) Numbers within the Kompanie:
      -Kpfü. 4./73

-1. Zug 4./73:
	-Zugtrupp 1. Zug
	-1. Gruppe
	-2. Gruppe

-2. Zug 4./73:
	-Zugtrupp 2. Zug
	-3. Gruppe
	-4. Gruppe

-3. Zug 4./73:
	-Zugtrupp 3. Zug
	-5. Gruppe
	-6. Gruppe

In my opinion this gives a very nice SG2 organisation (especially for
the NSL...the only change I've made for my company is, that I play
with just two snipers per platoon). Plus if you prefer playing DS2 and
SG2 with the same force organisation (like I'll do), then you have an
excellent ´´armoured´´ (or better: high mobility) infantry unit for
which converts into a pure infantry unit for SG2 (without the need to
have lots of 25mm APCs as well).

So, that's it for now. If  there's anything more you want, just say
(or better: write) so.

Tschüß !!!

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