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RE: Latest Nations/States/Organizations document

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 11:48:29 -0700
Subject: RE: Latest Nations/States/Organizations document

>On Wednesday, April 22, 1998 2:56 PM, Peter Mancini
>[] wrote:
>> That sounds good.  I always laugh when I hear a planet described by
>> having a single environment like "Ice World" or "Desert World"!
>In the case of Europa though its true. But its a bit of a cliche I
>at our own solar system though quite a few of the solid planetary
>seem to have a
>very pretty uniform environment. Mars - cold desert, The Moon - airless
>desert, Venus - hot C02
>inferno. Only good ol earth has decent environmental range.

The Earth's temperature only ranges about 120C. I would say that it is
narrow environmental range that makes life possible. The key ingredient
course is
water. The temperature hovers around the melting point, yet never
reaches the
boiling point in the atmosphere. I'm sure there are other prerequisites
but water is likely the most important.

>>I think you overestimate their fearful reputation a but, but perhaps
>>is reflective
>> of their national pride.
>I see them as being the cold version of the fremen (as in Dune)

When I first read this I thought "Hoth", not "Arrakis", both tales being
among the
very best SF.

>tim jones

  Tony Christney

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