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RE: Nations, States, and Organizations in Full Thrust

From: Sean Bayan Schoonmaker <schoon@a...>
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 21:00:15 -0700
Subject: RE: Nations, States, and Organizations in Full Thrust

Here's the listing as I have it so far...

New Anglian Confederation (NAC) - Nation
Eurasian Solar Union (ESU) - Nation
United Nations (UN) - Organization

Major Powers:
New Swabian League (NSL) - Nation
Federal States Europa (FSE) - Nation
Pan African Union (PAU) - Nation

Minor Powers:
New Israel (NI) - Nation
Islamic Federation (IF) - Nation
League of Latin American Republics (LLAR) - Organization
Romanov Hegemony (RH) - Nation
Free Cal-Tex (FCT) - Nation
Oceanic Union (OU) - Nation
Indonesian Commonwealth (IC) - Nation
Scandinavian Federation (SF) - Nation
Saeed Khalifate (SK) - Nation

Don't Know Yets:
Japan - Nation
Holland - Nation
Switzerland - Nation

...if anyone has any adds, changes, etc. I still have no idea where the
Scandinavian Federation or the Saeed Khalifate come from, however.


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