RE: SGII Morale question..
From: "Glover, Owen" <oglover@m...>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 20:32:45 +1000
Subject: RE: SGII Morale question..
Hi Jon
> ----------
> From: Jonathan white[]
> Subject: SGII Morale question..
>Basically, the situation was this. A squad had one figure
equipped with a
>sniper rifle. The player detached that figure from the unit and
headed >him
>for cover, with the intention of going in position or hiding
and having a
>few shots. Before he could *get* hidden, he came under fire.
Does this
>cause the unit as a whole to make a confidence check (first
time that >game
>they'd been shot at) or is it only when the main body of the
squad takes >fire?
As I read it the detachment only tests. If it drops CLs then on
rejoining the parent unit, you would have to average the CLs as in a
>Secondly, is thhis practice (detatching snipers) a breach of
the rules? >The
>rules say units should only be detached 'for a specific
purpose' does
>sniping make that grade? Another example is someone detaching
an >infantry
>rocket trooper to get to high ground and provide cover to an
>unit. I get the feeling detached units should go off, do
something and come
>back, not stay permanently detached?
These two examples are precisely the use for detachments. Bear in mind
that if the det is more than 6" away (out of unit integrity) then a
Comms roll will be required each turn that you want it to do anything. A
Sniper is the one thing I think the detachment is not meant to cover. A
sniper is a specialist trooper. So really when he is with the unit he is
actually only temporarily ATTACHED for administrative control. Detaching
him is really setting him free as an individual unit again. Please note
that in most armed forces, that there is a huge difference between a
trained specialist sniper and a soldier armed with a sniping rifle. I've
worked with snipers (my bother-in-law is one!!) and the idea of facing
one on operations is really chilling. Back to the detachments. If you
use them as a temporary measure eg provide covering fire then they can
be very useful. Just don't leave them behind!! At platoon level though
you are still better co-ordinating squad movement and covering fire.
Owen G