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RE: Nova Class Dreadnought

From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 12:26:23 -0700
Subject: RE: Nova Class Dreadnought

Hi Mark

A Nova has eight dual-mounts per side with two of those per side on the
grasshopper head.  They are considerably larger than on an Omega.  If
you like I can send you a nice bitmap file with a 3/4 side view of the
Schwarzkopf. You could probably use nickle tubing from a hobby store and
glue a couple of pieces together with putty on the rear end to do a dual

Personally Omegas are so expensive I wouldn't want to waste one like
that,I'd rather wait until they release Novas.

David Best  

>From:	<Mark Andrew Siefert>[]
>Sent:	Tuesday, March 24, 1998 10:58 AM
>To:	Full Thrust Mailing List
>Subject:	Nova Class Dreadnought
>Hi All:
>	I've been pondering the idea of converting an AoG Omega Class DD
>into the fabled Nova Class DD over the last couple of days.  I intend
>on just taking the rear and forward section, sawing off the rotating
>hub, and gluing them together (after pinning it and using a lot of spot

>putty).  The area where I am stuck on is the cannon turrets. Does
>have any ideas for modeling these things? 
>Mark A. Siefert
>	"What do you want from us?  We're evil!  EVIL!!!"
>				--Dr. Clayton Forrestor and TV's Frank.
>				  MST3K, "Cave Dwellers"

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