RE: Halcyon Aliens Dropship
From: Walrus & Carpenter <walrus@m...>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 11:11:01 +1000
Subject: RE: Halcyon Aliens Dropship
-----Original Message-----
From: Ground Zero Games []
Sent: Friday, March 20, 1998 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Halcyon Aliens Dropship
>What ever happened to Leading Edge? They made 25mm models of the UD4
>Dropship and the M577 APC from Aliens. The APC was pretty good but I
>never saw the Dropship. Are they still available?
>Trevor Dow
>Adventurous Spirit
>Torquay, Australia.
Leading Edge Games are, AFAIK, dead and gone. Their minis sometimes turn
as clearance items at cheap prices, so keep your eyes open.
Jon (GZG)
[Walrus & Carpenter]
Hi Trevor,
Yes, as far as I'm aware Leading Edge have gone the way of many other
good companies who stick to licensed product- they've gone. The Aliens
figures are _very_ sought after and consequently are hard to find
(though strangely the power loader set and pack of Aliens turn up from
time to time) A lot of people bought their figures CHEAP, dumped the
minis and kept the great cases they came in!
The Dropship was always rare because it was mucho expensivo.
Walrus & Carpenter