Re: Stargrunt II Question
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 16:14:31 -0500
Subject: Re: Stargrunt II Question
Glover, spake thusly upon matters weighty:
> In the ensuing battle the 5 defenders did pretty well. In the first
> round of combat they lost 4 defenders to 5 attackers. Both sides
> Reactin Tests so round two. Strangely enough, we now had one defender
> against 9 attackers!!! And the lone defender still took out about
> another 6 attackers in this Forlorn Hope defence!!
Had the same thing happen in Tom M's Kryomek scenario at the con.
(That is, a badly outnumbered guy slays most of his attackers).
> Questions:
> 1. In the instance of second round of Close Combat how does the 1
> versus 9 relate??
Well, I'm not sure I get your question. You roll nine sets of dice
for the attackers, and one for the defender, and the results will
tell. Was the question how to interpret the result or whether the
representation of 9 to 1 is very adequate? You figure someone is
rolling nine dice, they ought to be able to beat one die of the other
guy (the problem comes here if the one guy has a high die value and
rolls high so the others CAN'T beat him - but maybe he's a John Woo
hero and excels in CQB....).
> 2. One of the players suggested that the defenders actually should
> have surrendered. Personally I thought that if they had been Routed
> they would perhaps have been forced to surrender, but the Broken
> are allowed to shoot if shot at and therefore should be able to fight
> back. Comments?
Broken troops cut off that cannot withdraw.... hmmm. Seems like
another check (leadership?) might need to be made. If you
make it, they fight. If not, since they cannot withdraw, they
surrender. (In short, if you can't withdraw, you test again. Since
failure drops your morale futher, you'll probably hit routed and
surrender. If you succeed, it means you're shaken up but you're darn
well gonna go out fighting....). Remember Hudson in Aliens? I'd call
him 'Broken or Shaken' but he put up quite a fight in the control
room when the Aliens swarmed in for close Assault ("...Who wants
some? You? Here's some for You! ...oh Yeah? You want some too?...
> All contributions gratefully received.
Snota pRoblem.
:) Thomas.
Thomas Barclay
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