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Re: Solitaire robots for FT

From: Step awaaaay from the wiffle bat! <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 19:02:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Solitaire robots for FT

>	I'll try to post a prototype some time soon no matter what
people say.
>based on my own expierence I am probably going to use spee 12 and a
12'by 7'
> game area. Fleet saze of about 1200 points. 

Those seem reasonable.

>	PS I wish I could have made the CON it sounded great. If you
ever have
>one in the NE of the USA, I'm there.

By 'NE' do you mean 'Nebraska' or 'North-East'?

Sarah: "Is this the point where I say, 'why in the heck am I doing

Indy: "And this is the point where I say, 'belay's on'."

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