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I need help ID'ing Trav. 15mm and Spacelords 25mm

From: cowell@c...
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 11:51:39 -0500
Subject: I need help ID'ing Trav. 15mm and Spacelords 25mm

I know this is only slightly on topic (I use these minis for SG2),
but there seems to be a wealth of knowledgable people here, so I
thought I would give it a shot.

I've picked up a lot of 15mm Traveller and 25mm Metal Magic Spacelords
miniatures.  I absolutely love both, but am very unfamiliar with the
background and ranges of both lines.  If you can help me out (say, with
photocopies of old catalogs and such), I would be greatly appreciative.

Andrew E. B. Cowell <>
Systems Administrator, Internet Design Group, Inc.

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