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Re: DS Rule Clarifications

From: "Steve Pugh" <mafb90@p...>
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 11:33:48 +0000
Subject: Re: DS Rule Clarifications

> Woods and GEV/Grav Vehicles:
> GEV and Grav vehicles are prohibited from entering woods...not even
> the edges.  Surely  if a tracked vehicle can go through then a Grav
> vehicle can glide through the same path, even a bit faster becasue
> its a meter or 2 above the ground and avoiding logs etc ? 

Tracked vehicles are quite good at smashing their way through woods 
by knocking trees down. Lacking traction GEV and Grav vehicles don't 
have this option.

I would perhaps suggest allowing GEV, Grav and Hi-Mob Wheeled to
move through light woods by moving round each tree in their path
hence Difficult. Perhaps limit this to the smaller size classes.
Keep Dense Woods as Impassable.

Of course, in some backgrounds Grav vehicles can fly over the woods. 
Not much good if you want the cover though.


"And all I ask is a tall ship, and a star to steer her by."
"Though a cloaking device, pulsed phaser cannons
 and a full load of quantum torpedoes would be quite nice too." 

Stephen Richard Pugh

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