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Re: Gamer girls can go to #$%&!!!

From: Tony Christney <acc@u...>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 17:04:48 -0800
Subject: Re: Gamer girls can go to #$%&!!!

Mark Siefert wrote:
>	I take back everything I said about gamer girls.  The one I was
>trying to date is not interested in me in the least.  Love is such a

Easy Mark! How long did you know this girl? Do you have a solid
For me, love is a very serious word. My suspicion is that if you truly
her, you would not give up so easily, nor say that she can go to #$%&!!!
Love works in mysterious ways, but it definitely is not a crock.
it can take _years_ before the bond can be strong enough for a
relationship to develop, contrary to what we see on TV, etc. So chin up,
smile at a stranger, commit random acts of kindness, BE POSITIVE! Don't
give up until all hope is lost, it may be a test of you sincerity...

Love made in haste
Is the easiest to waste...

I'm sorry if this doesn't help much, but I hate seeing people lose hope!

  Tony Christney

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