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RE: Painting miniatures

From: "BEST, David" <dbest@s...>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 09:02:46 -0500
Subject: RE: Painting miniatures

I painted my Valiant aliens dun coloured with a reddish-brown wash.
This created a nice "organic"
impression.  It may not be as effective for ships that look more

David Best

>From:	Nyrath the nearly wise[]
>Sent:	Wednesday, February 18, 1998 6:50 AM
>To:	Full Thrust Mailing List
>Subject:	Painting miniatures
>I'm trying to paint all my starship miniatures, but
>I'm a	little new at this.
>The Valiant alien starships responded well to a wash
>of india ink, then dry-brushing with silver and copper.
>But I'm not sure what would be good color schemes for
>my other ships.
>Any suggestions?

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