Re: DSII Question- Obstacles
From: Thomas Barclay <Thomas.Barclay@s...>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 12:01:50 -0500
Subject: Re: DSII Question- Obstacles
> Well, the way I see it, barbed wire would be ignored by vehicles, and
> dragon teeth would be ignored by foot soldiers (although, if densely
> they could count as cover, ne?) One could certainly sow both
> with mines, if you're feeling like annoying the sappers.
A full defence would include obstacles and wire to channelize
infantry and vehicles, covered by arcs of fire from units including
support weapons, interspersed with mines to prevent obstacle
clearance and to destroy aggressive vehicles or personel. CDMs to
provide a last ditch close in shock to any assaulting troops, with
mortars and other short range company level support assets to destroy
the attacker while they move through the obstacles, mines, and
infantry fire. Once you start considering the multipliers in force
that a well laid defence gives, you realize that attackers often need
their 3:1 odds and good arty prep and air support in order to have
any chance of success.
> These defenses would be totally ignored by grav vehicles (fly over)
and PA
> troopers (unless it's monofilament wire). And a DFFG or two would
> vaporize wire and melt mines, if you could just get that armor officer
> lend his firepower to your footsloggers for a round or two....
DFFG wouldn't vaporize buried mines, and I'm assuming DFFG has ammo
considerations preventing its use as a broom. Hence it could clear
paths, but its still subject to side attacking mines. Also, I could
see implanting a form of rocket/mine that reacted to such sweeping
attempts and homed in on the source of the DFFG with an anti-armour
missile. Sticky wire would be bad for PA, and if properly anchored
for vehicles that move through it. And is a field of nuclearly melted
muck something you plan on advancing even PA through? I wonder. What
about obstacles with a cheap ablative coating that makes them
resistant to this kind of attack?
(What I'm saying is if we research things, I think we'll find
obstacles are progressing as fast as other tech so they'll still be
around, we just need to figure out what form).
> Something else that bears consideration: tank traps. Big pits would
> down about anything but (again)grav vehicles and PA troopers.
I think PA might be slowed down too. Or a big enough pit could drop
in a grav vehicle. What about a pit filled with monomolecular tipped
spikes that could punch through PA (bengal tiger trap made modern)?
What about a buried device that goes off and kills the electronics in
PA or in vehicles? (they have these now for use by police to kill
engines and end high speed chases).
Another interesting point I haven't see anyone take is the Grav Tanks
vs. Tracklayers or ACV. You say "But grav are better! They can fly!"
Anyone who ever did Striker or Striker II vehicle design for
Traveller will remember this classic dilemna. Do I armour four sides
(or five if you count the top) heavily, or do I add that sixth side
(the bottom) where I won't have any weapons bearing, but I'll still
have to carry an extra weight of armour if I'm going to fly around
and fight. I think a Grav vehicle (by virtue of having to armour six
sides roughly equally - only good sense, maybe more on the front and
turret) will have a lower average level of armour than a similar tech
tracklayer or ACV. Also I think any of these would be susceptible to
a buried straight-up firing armour piercing missile-mine. Also can
you say Grav Mines? If I can pack grav electronics into a tank, why
not into a mine? A grav pulse could slam grav vehicles into the
ground by increasing gravity or cancelling their anti-grav fields.
Ouch. Or Anti-Grav field seeking missiles? Oooh, too bad for the grav
Thomas Barclay
Software Specialist
Police Communications Systems
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