Re: Another fighter question
From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.donald@a...>
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 23:36:42 -0800
Subject: Re: Another fighter question wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was wondering if anyone used fighter squadrons with either more
> than six fighters or less than six. It seems to me that the escort
> carrier in More Thrust would be more effective in an anti-fighter role
> if it carried interceptors in three squadrons of 4 fighters each than
> in two squadrons of 6 fighters. This give you an extra fighter group
> to manuver and the interceptors in groups of four would have a similar
> punch to six regular fighters in a dogfight.
> I guess the nuber in a group depends on the background being used.
> bye for now
> Chris Herkowski
I agree. That lets you better simulate a background.
How about dividing the cost for a fighter type by 6, then multiplying by
the desired number of fighters. Combat would be the same.
Donald Hosford