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FT Die, Fleet Emblems

From: Tim Jones <Tim.Jones@S...>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 10:14:52 -0000
Subject: FT Die, Fleet Emblems

On Wednesday, February 11, 1998 9:56 AM, Ground Zero Games 
[] wrote:
> I'm surprised that you are having trouble, given the apparent
popularity of
> RPGs over there. Try some US or UK mail-order suppliers for some
> sets (we even stock them ourselves now!)

Have you ever thought of doing special die for Full Thrust
These would have spots or special facing markings
for damage points etc. Probably too expensive to
produce. Task Force did some a while ago for SFB.

Will the Fleet Book contain Fleet emblems? You have the
pewter badges, I assume they would be similar to these.
Do you have them in electronic/web format? What about
Decal sheets, any plans. I'd pay real money for such things.

tim jones
Reality is for those who can't cope with Science Fiction.

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