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Re: HUGE! Re: The wide open road, National Characteristics(NSL), and FT in small places

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 1998 19:56:45 +0000
Subject: Re: HUGE! Re: The wide open road, National Characteristics(NSL), and FT in small places

Doug wrote:
>Lighten up! Least your country gets to be the center of a fleet. The
>mine(US) is reduced to a lowly vassail again. ;->=

Of course, you could always go south and join that bunch a' New-Age
that call themselves Free CalTex....  <BIG GRIN>
>On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing my daughter as an officer in
>a fleet...
>'Lady Captain Megan Evans, commanding the NAC lancer Shoshone, glanced
>around her cramped bridge, and allowed herself a small smile. Having
>climbed the ranks carrying a burden of commoner's blood, and worse,
>American birth, she could be proud of her position.
>Having won her title in action that...'

Care to expand this into a story...?

I'll keep the name in mind, always on the lookout for suitable character

>Yes, we promise to buy mass quantities of your licensed miniatures!
>However, and I've just discovered the pieces I thought were SFB 'elite'
>aren't so this is from memory, the bases work well for this kind of
>table game. Especially if the small hex bases have scribed lines
>the points. One run of the larger ships have them, and the resulting
>point compass is convenient.
>However, for most cases, I'd think the 'elites'  were a little top
>and  would probably consider GZG figs only up to scout size, beyond
>I'd be going back to styrene bashing. Plenty of variety in coffee
>pieces of model plane ordinance, etc.

>Well, it IS Sunday, and I'm supposed to wander aimlessly on and off
>so having done my duty, I'm outta here!

Jon (GZG)

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