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RE: FT Fighters & Cancon report

From: "ROBERTSON,Brendan" <Brendan.ROBERTSON@E...>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 15:44:06 +1100
Subject: RE: FT Fighters & Cancon report

The only drawback with the *DAF changes, DON'T use fighter morale.  I
used it in the first game & got thoroughly wiped out as my fighters
couldn't attack.  My own fleet was 2 Fleet CVs + 1 CVE, 2 Interceptors,
4 Attack, 4 LR & 4 Heavys.
Personally, I found the ranges too long (10 PDAFs & 6 ADAFs at 3
squadrons before they get to respond was just too much.) Although it did
make ADAFs more attractive to take.

Also, in fighter vs fighter games, the importance of LR fighters became
apparent, being able to "free shoot" at retreating fighters who had run
out of combat endurance (pity about those retreating fighter groups,
Alan ;) )
I enjoyed it myself, but found a distinct lack of a dreadnought.

'Neath Southern Skies
Ortillery, rich man's artillery.

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Alan E & Carmel J Brain []
>Subject:	Re: FT Fighters & Cancon report
>My fleet was 2 CVs + 1 CVE, 6 Torp Fighters, 6 Heavy Fighters, 2
>Win, Lose or Draw, I had a great time though. It did convince me though
>that the PDAF/ADAF variant in this competition is a) simpler in
>mechanics, speeding play b) leads to more subtlety and tactical
>as regards escorting high-value targets, and c) More balanced. 

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