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Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity) AND scratchbuilding ideas?

From: Samuel Reynolds <reynol@p...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 18:12:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Introductions (was: Age and Complexity) AND scratchbuilding ideas?

>Yo, Samuel! Going to be at Genghis Con? I'm not signed up yet, but I
>probably break my promise to not play EFSB ship rules there. ;->=
>Of course, as soon as I sent my last message, I thought of several
>something elses. One was, having seen it at a previous Genghis
>in Denver, son), someone had take the plastic boomers from Supremacy, a
>little paint, and had come up with something VERY interesting!

Actually, since I've only played 2 games of FT (don't laugh!),
I'd prefer to stick with the FT/MT rules for now.

I hadn't planned to go to Genghis Con, because as far as I could
tell it is strictly for historical games. FT, DSII, and FR! don't
seem particularly historical to me (though FR! has strong historical
antecedents). However, if one of those 3 games will be running,
I'll try to be there for at least part of the Con.

- Sam

Samuel Reynolds

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